• ➢ We have 7 days of return/exchange policy. You can apply for return/exchange within 7 days after the product has been delivered by the delivery agent.
    ➢ We reserve the right not to accept return of products which (i) we believe are being
    returned after use, washed or soiled or (ii) are damaged (except where the return is on
    account of damaged goods having been delivered to you).
    Please note that we don’t provide reverse pickup, therefore we request you to self ship (using any courier provider) the product to the following address. 
    ➢ Please ensure while returning the product the packaging is intact the way it was delivered.
    ➢ Kindly allow 7 days for the return to be processed and the amount to be shown in your bank account. PLEASE NOTE: REFUND / BANK TRANSFER ARE ONLY APPLICABLE FOR PREPAID ORDERS / ONLINE PAYMENTS MADE ON OUR WEBSITE. 

    ➢Payments made with COD option will receive store credit equivalent to the amount paid by you, which can be used anytime. Store credit will be provided within 1-2 working days from the day of return receive at our warehouse .
    ➢ Shipping Charges are Non-Refundable.

    ➢Cancellations will only be possible till the order has not been dispatched from our warehouse.